But I’m sure it can get its grade up with a little perseverance.
I just found out Jeff Bezos and I are almost the exact same age.
I hope he doesn’t compare himself to me too often.
That would just make him sad.
It’s my favorite day of the year
The anniversary of the day my beautiful wife Melinda was born.
I present to you, the Carpenters Union building…
Made almost entirely of concrete.

The first and only TV commercial I was ever in.
I’m the one on the left. Although, nowadays, I look a lot more like the guy on the right.

I got my manly electrician son to go up on the roof of my house with pantyhose, today.
It’s a long story.
It’s my birthday
I had ice cream. It was a good day.
Yes, books are being banned (or the functional equivalent), but they might not be the ones you think.
Dam it
That’s not a typo. We’re getting ice dams again. I hate those damn dams.
I’m too exhausted to post anything tonight…
So you’re definitely not reading this right now.