I had ice cream. It was a good day.
Yes, books are being banned (or the functional equivalent), but they might not be the ones you think.
Dam it
That’s not a typo. We’re getting ice dams again. I hate those damn dams.
I’m too exhausted to post anything tonight…
So you’re definitely not reading this right now.
If the guys shooting missiles at ships in the Red Sea fired at a tanker named the Horton…
…would the Horton hear a Houthi?
We went shopping for a new mattress yesterday.
I don’t think the sales guy liked us lying down on his job.
Good thing it’s too cold to use the air conditioner
Because it’s buried under two feet of snow.

We haven’t taken down our Christmas tree yet…
And you can’t make us!

People say old age just creeps up on you…
Then how come it’s chasing after me like I just stole its purse?
Now that there is actually some snow on the ground…
Our Frosty the Glowman actually looks like he belongs.